03 January 2009

mommy play date

as i look forward to the next community centre 'moms & infants' session i have to laugh a little - what is my agenda? granted us new moms are desperate for information (when to start solid food, where to find day care, & how do i learn /relearn nursery rhymes) and we cannot resist seeing other moms with their little ones (doing a little baby comparison tracking) - but let's face it - for some of us - getting together with a troupe of babies is more about getting some adult face to face time too.
yeah - the babies are cute & all - but i think i just really need some to find some allegiance with the hippie mom across the room who looks totally @ ease with her little one & is obviously already back in her prenatal jeans or realize a kinship with the downtown mom swinging her little one into the latest groovy snowsuit & kickass stroller.
days are consumed by little ones. it's not an unbearable amount of work per se it's just time consuming. & the whole baby brain/mommy brain thing makes even the most quick witted mom a little slooow. so it's nice to see that we can still function as human beings - girls, women, chicks... have a laugh over a cappuccino or if we're lucky a glass of wine; get out of the house to talk about breastfeeding & the economy & daycare & music. how does one pick up a new mom?

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tNb said...

hey, don't forget: non-moms are people too ;-)

djbeat said...

funny i was going to say something about that... when your favorite non-mom leaves the country - you ahve to make do...