24 January 2009

* favorites

i still mark favorites -
actually i collect favorites (much like my physical life collecting projects & items that make me smile & things that might generally be considered garbage by others). i arrange them carefully in cleverly and future usefully named folders like: 'pregger + baby' / 'raising.baby', 'a&e' /'design. architecture', 'dev resources' or 'buy stuff'. then what?

the other day (much like cleaning up my magazine pile) i was cleaning up my *favorites folder only to realize that many of the sites have not been visited in years (were dead or completely useless or totally uninteresting)  - they were likely added in a late night frenzied stumble down some rabbit hole. i thought about it for a moment - do we even use *favorites anymore? we've become so good a searching and the search engines have become so good at finding stuff that it is quicker to google it than to follow the beneficent maze of folders & subfolders & urls. i mentioned this realization to tnb one day not so long ago & she replied that she now mostly uses *bookmarks (mmm booooks) paradigm shift or just another small step for organization woman?

clean it up? delete it? hah! i look around me @ our shared office & think what the hell - clean up? at least it they are hidden behind the computer's clean lines and finite space & not strewn over the floors and shelves and other horizontal & not so horizontal surfaces of our disheveled home (sweet home)...

i took some pictures today but this isn't one of them:

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