25 July 2009

scent of a turtle pool

wow - have you ever pulled a turtle pool out of a box only to get sucked into a cheap plastic vortex? it really is a great feeling. today, i pulled bb boy's first ever simming pool out of it's box (yep it is 35c out) - it is a green inflatible turtle & the scent took me instantly back to my past...

it smelled like childhood summers; air mattresses floating on blue water swimming pools (fingers dragging making the tiniest gentle wakes), inner tubes on the river (toe rudders easily spinning us), inflatible rings on the lake (summers so hot that my grandfather sought shade under a big tree on the edge of the beach - i can still see him on his lounge chair reading the paper in the cool - while we raced over sand too hot to touch to launch our bodies into the water landing & launching bright coloured plastic rings).

1 comment:

SCW said...

And trying to calculate how best to get from the lake, to Grandpa (and his offer of ice cream money) and to the ice cream stand with a minimal amount of foot-to-hot-sand contact.

And tipping canoes over to swim underneath them and use them as floating privacy huts.

Oh summer. So lovely.