28 November 2008

lists are the windows to the soul

or something like that... i was tagged by tango & as much as this feels like a chain letter (which i always break - bad luck or not) i must admit that it is a nice segway into my book of lists (or is that blog of lists?) no matter - i will try to comply with the rules, which are:
  • Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
  • Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird (other variations include teenage facts)
  • Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
  • Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
[7 things about djbeat]
  1. when i was a child i kept a step stool beside the bed so that the 'things' under my bed could not get me when i stepped down. to this day i cannot hang a foot or hand over the edge without getting that same creepy feeling & i have to fight not to pull back.
  2. i love to look down on flying birds
  3. i went to my first ever concert when i was 25 - oddly it was bob dylan (tracy chapman opened for him)
  4. i entered the miss teen chetwynd pageant - i might have won if only i had learned to play the flute
  5. i am sincerely stunned that the human race has continued to procreate (with such alacrity) given how difficult giving birth is and how exhausting a baby is (more on this later)
  6. i accidentally had a few dates with a guy 17 years my junior (ridiculous - honestly)
  7. i still dream of being an artist - even after the 18 months i spent learning i am allergic to 'starving artist'
now for my two tags (i won't even pretend that i know 7):
  • my sister because she's good @ lists
  • complainy pants because she makes me laugh

    penfold said...

    I could play the trumpet and I never won a beauty pagent. Maybe it was the bowl haircut and plastic, tortoiseshell (with taped on arm) spectacles...

    djbeat said...

    let's say it was a talent pagent, not a beauty pagent - you would have been in for sure.

    penfold said...

    Are you saying that I'm beautiful on the inside...?

    tNb said...

    17 years your junior ... was it who I think it wa???

    djbeat said...

    yes - i'm afraid so... blue steel

    SCW said...

    Oh my gosh - I didn't even know you had a blog, and here it is linked to me :)

    I played flute - surely the committee would have accepted a sister act?

    SC Wink