12 September 2009

bb birthday

photo by jessie

my kid (all 368 days of him) is cooler & more chill than i think i have ever been. it kind of makes me laugh & maybe this will all change sometime in the future - but for now he is all about exploring the world - seeing people - touching stuff... i distinctly remember being petrified of everything at a very young age.

birthday sparkle

it was his first birthday last weekend - each time we think back on it - on him we are amazed... he walked around for 4 hours stopping to play with toys, pick rocks out of the planter, eat, play with friends, talk to people, mash his fingers in a cake, then off to something else. he was patient and entertained & entertaining & i can't imagine ever being quite so agreeable...

just another parent rambling about their next to awesome child - for me it is more about my amazement at where this personality comes from & how little i think i have done to help him be the way he is... i hope he continues to be a better person than me - what more could i hope for...

birthday animals


tNb said...

You're pretty agreeable after a few London Fogs ... xx

SCW said...

agreeable, adorable, personable, confident ... it's a lot for a 1 year old, and it didn't come from no where. XO