16 August 2009

it's red

it's red hot in portugal & the sun has burnished my first red ripe tomato.

it's red

left is
right is ~d~

this is 8000clicks between chicks


penfold said...

I think you'll find that the singular of the noun 'tomato' is simply 'tomato' and not 'tomatoe'. Tomatoe is possibly a small town northwest of Tillamook - where coincidentally they make really great cheese.
It may also be a minor ailment resulting in a slightly engorged and rosy hued pedicular digit.
Or not x

SCW said...

Oh my word, T, THAT is red hot!

djbeat said...

i say tomatoe you say tomato...
let's just try to be friends

djbeat said...

penfold - can't you be more like your daddy? he said i was pretty : p

penfold said...

Yes - but he is certifiable. I'm not saying that he isn't right - just that he may be judgement impaired...

djbeat said...

oh great - now i'm embarrassed on two accounts - my spelling & my blushing @ compliments from certifiable strangers!

Nomi said...

What a great idea for a blog - and what a special project for your baby to have in years to come!
I am excited about finding others who are taking on a 365 day commitment - there is something so incredible about cherishing and preserving a moment every day.
I look forward to following!

spread your wings said...

saw this on flickr, found you via shuttersisters. i'm really enjoying your blog.