10 December 2008

top ten best things about being pregnant

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  1. eating pavlova without regard
  2. moving to the front of the line
  3. imagining
  4. not having to suck it in
  5. not looking pregnant from the back
  6. seeing the baby via ultrasound
  7. not having to empty the litter box
  8. taking a babymoon
  9. laying in bed, standing in a mall, sitting @ my desk with my hand on my abdomen constantly in touch with that little life inside
  10. being blissfully unaware of all the parts of your body that will be "broken" after you give birth


Shutter Pixie said...

I feel like you should write a book about being pregnant as you sell it very well.

Also love the images...amazing!

djbeat said...

you think so shutterpixie? who has time to write a book ; )

Freckles said...

That precnancy belly of yours is really still shocking. Hard to believe just one little fellow came out of that.

penfold said...

I liked the Babymoon too... x